Elixir Libraries
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Elixir Libraries

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CargoSense/compare_chain: Chained semantic comparisons for Elixir.

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preciz/common_crawl: Work with Common Crawl data from Elixir.

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germsvel/phoenix_test: PhoenixTest provides a unified way of writing feature tests -- regardless of whether you're testing LiveView pages or static (non-LiveView) pages.

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railsmechanic/bankster: An IBAN account numbers and BIC validation tool for Elixir.

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oban-bg/oban_notifiers_phoenix: An Oban.Notifier that uses an application's Phoenix.PubSub for notifications.

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akoutmos/doctor: Ensure that your Elixir project documentation is healthy

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jvoegele/external_service: Elixir library for safely using any external service or API using automatic retry with rate limiting and circuit breakers.

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karolsluszniak/ex_check: One task to efficiently run all code analysis & testing tools in an Elixir project. Born out of 💜 to Elixir and pragmatism.

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chrisgreg/bloom: The opinionated extension to Phoenix core_components

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bravobike/efx: A library to declaratively write testable effects

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lalabuy948/PhoenixAnalytics: 📊 Plug and play analytics for Phoenix applications.

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membraneframework/boombox: Boombox is a simple streaming tool built on top of Membrane

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mirego/telemetry_ui: Telemetry based metrics UI. Take your telemetry metrics and display them in a web page.

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mimiquate/tower: 🏰 Vendor-Agnostic Error Tracking and Reporting in Elixir

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akoutmos/ecto_dbg: A utility to format and output Ecto queries

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Introduction — wallaby v0.30.9

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Live Toast — Getting Started · Phoenix Framework

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batteries-included/heyya: Heyya the snapshot testing utility for Phoenix framework components

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danschultzer/premailex: Preflight for your HTML emails - inline styling and plain text.

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elixir-wallaby/wallaby: Concurrent browser tests for your Elixir web apps.

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ibarakaiev/fireside: Fireside is a tool to install and upgrade code templates that are themselves Elixir apps.

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brainlid/langchain: Elixir implementation of an AI focused LangChain style framework.

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angelikatyborska/vnu-elixir: An Elixir client for the Nu HTML Checker (v.Nu).

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keatz55/phoenix_ui: A complimentary UI library for the Phoenix Framework and Phoenix LiveView.

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brainlid/langchain: Elixir implementation of an AI focused LangChain style framework.

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werbitzky/elastix: A simple Elasticsearch REST client written in Elixir.

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Readability - Extract content

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Endo — Endo v0.1.21

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mimiquate/blend: 🥣 Test your package against different versions of its dependencies

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Zensavona/domainatrex: A library for parsing TLDs from urls in Elixir

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error handling
mimiquate/tower: 🏰 Flexible error tracking and reporting in Elixir

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briankariuki/tremorx: An Elixir Phoenix component library inspired by Tremor - The react library to build dashboards fast.

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meerific/uv: Color manipulation library for the Elixir programming language - Codeberg.org

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acalejos/flint: Declarative Ecto embedded schemas for data validation, coercion, and manipulation.

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bluzky/salad_ui: Phoenix Liveview component library inspired by shadcn UI

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malach-it/boruta_auth: A yet complex but OpenID™ certified OAuth / OpenID Connect provider core

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elixir-error-tracker/error-tracker: 🐛 An Elixir-based built-in error reporting and tracking solution

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liveshowy/webauthn_components: WebauthnComponents allows Phoenix developers to quickly add passwordless authentication to LiveView applications.

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martosaur/instructor_lite: Structured outputs for LLMs in Elixir

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elixir-image/image: Image processing for Elixir

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mrdotb/disco-log: 📜 Use Discord as a logging service and error tracking solution

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srcrip/live_toast: A beautiful drop-in replacement for the Phoenix Flash system.

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bonfire-networks/iconify_ex: Iconify

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