Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most common questions we get asked. If you can't find what you're looking for, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Can I use Collava for free?

Yes, you can use Collava for free!

Do you guys take suggestions or feature requests?

Yes, we believe in building it together with our users. You can submit your suggestions or feature requests on our Feature Requests system .

Can other users access my items?

Unless your item or collection is public, no other user can access it.

Can I upload my own files?

This feature is on our public roadmap.

Do you sell my data?

NO, we will NEVER sell any user data, dosen't matter if you have a free or a paid account.

Can I cancel at anytime?

Yes, you can cancel anytime no question asked. Your subscription will still be valid until the end of the current billing cycle.

Can I export my data?

At this moment, you can't automatically export your data, but you can contact our support team at and they will help you with that. This feature is planned at our public roadmap .

Can I import my data?

This feature is on our public roadmap.

Can I make a public collection or item private?

Yes, you can make it private.

Can I share my collections or items?

Yes, you can share your collections or items with other users, they can copy items from it, vote on it, and also share them.

Can I copy or move my items to another collection?

No, at this moment you can't copy or move items to another collection. But we have this feature planned on our public roadmap.

Can I manually choose where my items will be showed inside a collection?

NO, the items will be showed in the order they were added to the collection. In a nice automatic layout. But we have this feature planned on our public roadmap.

Why can't I make a specific collections or item private?

If the item or collection has more than 100 public interations, you cannot make it private anymore. We do this to guarantee that communities built using collections don't get affected on the long run by possible "rogue" actions.

Do you price parity for poorer countries?

Yes, if you country is eligible for it, the discounted price will be shown at checkout.

Do you offer discounts?

Yes, you get some months for free when you choose a yearly or a 5 year plan.

Can I get a refund?

Unfortunately, we're unable to offer refunds at this time. However, you're welcome to cancel your subscription whenever you'd like.

What's the difference between Private and Public collections?

Private collections are only visible to you, and only you can add or manage the items in it. They also can't have public items on it.

Public collections on the other hand have all social features activated, so other users can copy items from it , vote on it, and share them they are a great why to share studies, recipes or whatever else you want to.