Great Courses for Software Developers
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Great Courses for Software Developers

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Dashboard | GoRails

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Game Dev Unlocked

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QR Code - The World's Most Loved Game Development Courses

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Zenva Academy – Trusted by +1 million learners. Learn coding, game creation, AI and digital skills.

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phoenix framework
online course
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Learn Phoenix LiveView

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Here are the common ways to start learning Go.

Books are great and go deep on many topics. But they're also long and each chapter describes an entire concept even if you won't use it right away.

Videos are popular and seem like an easy way to pick up any topic. They work if you have the time to watch long hours of content.

Reading the standard library is the classic advice you'll get in the community. It might be a good idea if you plan to create another language or standard library.

Free online articles and examples contain some hidden gems and lots of bad advice. You can learn a lot, but it's hard to tell one from the other.

All the above miss one key thing: practice. We designed an online training where you learn this rare knowledge by building real-world projects. No boring videos to watch.

online course
Go Lang
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Go In One Evening - online training

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Elixir and Prolog by Dave Thomas
phoenix framework
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The Coding Gnome

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Hands on project based learning, well recommended in the related communities
online course
data structures
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Learn Backend Development the Fun Way |

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Very nice and always up to date course, really like this one! They also have some free tutorials
phoenix framework
ruby on rails
online course
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The Pragmatic Studio

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