Schadefonds Gewelds­misdrijven
From the collection Life in the Netherlands

schadefonds geweldsmisdrijven
victims of crime
financial compensation
violent crime
sexual assault
psychological injuries
legal aid
support for victims

Schadefonds Gewelds­misdrijven

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Recognition gives strength

The Schadefonds Geweldsmisdrijven gives financial compensation to people who have become a victim of a violent- or sexual crime resulting in serious psychological or physical injuries. By compensating the damages suffered, the Schadefonds acknowledges that the victims have been wronged. In this way, the Schadefonds contributes to restore confidence.


Are you a victim of a violent- or sexual crime and did you suffer injuries as a result? Or did a close relative of yours die as a result of an intentional violent crime? If so, then you can file an application for compensation with the Schadefonds Geweldsmisdrijven. This is partial compensation for your injuries (pain and suffering) and for any financial damages you suffered, such as medical expenses or a loss of income due to incapacity for work.

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